Published: 09/02/2021

We are delighted to have helped a US client by producing a bespoke calibrated water bag for use testing helicopter rescue hoists. 

The major US safety specialist came to us to develop a solution for helicopter load testing. We redeveloped our existing proof testing water bags to deliver a portable, efficient and cost-effective way to routinely test safe working loads for helicopters used for search and rescue missions.

The bags are filled with water and connected to a helicopter winch. They are then lifted into the air to ensure the winch can safely take the strain.

Water-filled bags offer a significant advantage over traditional forms of solid weights because the test load can be applied gradually and precisely. Our 250kg water test bags have two chambers, with the bottom holding 70 kg and the top holding 180 kg. The design also includes a tag attachment which can be used to secure the bags and ensure they do not spin whilst suspended beneath the helicopter. As they weigh just 9kg when empty, the bags can also be easily folded away, stored and transported to wherever needed.

Our range of proof testing bags adhere to the highest standards for safety and have been used extensively for testing cranes, winches, davits and other lifting equipment. We can produce individual bags capable of weighing up to 110 tonnes.

Our bespoke helicopter test bags are built to last. They are constructed from durable PVC-coated Polyester which is high-frequency welded and bonded to internal webbing for extra strength.

It’s great to have been able to use our expertise to help our clients ensure helicopter search and rescue teams are always safe and ready for action!

More details of our proof test bags can be found at:
